Here's the goofy cat stuck between the screen door and the glass door. He wanted out, and when I wouldn't let him, he got mad, and wouldn't get out of the doorway, so I just left him there for a minute.

We really have had a slow summer this year, not that we're going slowly, but that summer is slow to get here. We've only had to mow the lawn 3 times this summer - its just not growing because its too cold. So, its been a really good thing that Justin built the greenhouse this spring. We actually grew corn! Everyone we talked to said that corn can't be grown in the greenhouse, but so far so good. I don't think we're going to get a bumper crop, but we've gotten at least 1 ear, which is pretty cool! Mom wrote on Ben and Denae's blog a couple months ago that she wanted to move to someplace where she could grow corn. So this spring Justin planted corn, and we studied up on how to fertilize and pollinate it. And it worked! So now mom's in trouble, since we can grow corn here. :)
Other than that, Justin and I have been sick for about 3 weeks now. He went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago, and got some antibiotics, but I was taking some that our friends brought from Mexico (just amoxicilin, nothing weird!). But everytime I finished a course of the pills I would get instantly sick again. So yesterday I went to the doctor, and she asked how many amoxicilin I had taken, and I told her, and she looked at the bottle, and said, well if that didn't cure it, we'll have to go to something stronger. So she put me on Keflex, which I guess is pretty heavy duty. And I have to take them ever 6 hours for the next 10 days. She actually visibly recoiled when she looked at my tonsils, which really was the only funny thing about the appointment. So now I'm just trying to get better. They think we had some sort of strep, but not the kind they find when they swab your throat, but some other kind. She tested me for mono and came up negative, same when they tested Justin, so they think its just a bad case of "atypical strep" with sinus infections. Whatever it is, I am ready for it to GO! Its been about a month now, and I'm sick of being sick! I have too much to do to be sick like this. I still haven't taken pictures of the 1100 lbs. of food storage that has taken over my living room, or the 24 buckets we got to store it in that need washed and filled, or the piles of other stuff that need done before winter gets here (i.e. empty the food storage room, build new shelves, re-organize all the food storage, put it all back, split like 25 cords of wood and stack it, or the window that needs installed, or the door that needs fixed, or on and on and on...) I guess I just have to be patient and hope I get better soon....