The center of the picture is our friend and business partner Bill, his son Josh is on the right. This was at the cabin that they and Justin rented last week up in the woods above Cooper's Landing. I guess it was a really neat little old cabin, rented out by the forest service. They rode in, or tried to anyway, on snowmachines. They had a little trouble. Then they got up the next day to go ice fishing, but the wind was blowing about 40 mph across the lake, so they just came home. They were disappointed they didn't have more fun, and they had so much trouble with the snowmachines. The one machine quit working about 1/2 mile from the cabin, and so they had to tow it in, and all the way out. bummer! The rest of the pictures are taken from the night before, as Justin was packing.

The ever vigilant, ever present Mya.

The top of Two's head.

Look how sad Mya is that Justin is leaving. She was so worried.

Still sad and worried.

up close and personal with Two.

Still sad. funny dog.

Here's a better picture of Two. She's got a true lab square head. I so wish she hadn't been malnourished as a pup, she would have been much larger!

you can kind of see how big her paws are. Maybe she'll grow into her body yet. :)
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