I wanted to post something today, but if I took a picture today, all it would be of would be the sideways snow that is streaking past our house. Justin's been sick for a week, and he was going to go out and ride his snowmachine today, but when he got up in the middle of the night, he looked outside and the snow was going sideways. Poor guy, he hasn't been able to go riding much, with his ankle getting tore up, and then just as that's getting better he gets a terrible flu. And now its snowing and blowing like crazy. So, since I didn't have any pictures of something fun going on today I thought I'd post some scrapbooking pictures.

We loved the cat on the left. He was SO cute. He had these really neat arm bands of dark fur around his front legs. Very cute, very cute face too.

Here's Justin helping grandpa and grandma with their outside Christmas lights.

I've been doing a lot more scrapbooking lately, but I am doing 12x12 inch layouts now, and I'm not great at scanning them, and then fixing them so you can see the whole thing, so I thought I'd try and experiment and try taking digital pictures of them, and see how that works. I'm sure the picture won't be that great, but maybe it'll give you all and idea of what I've been up to. I'm working on the pictures from Justin and I's trip down south. But before I did that, I made my cards for the year, birthday, mother's day, and father's day. I have a few more to make, but for the most part I'm done. The birthday cards we chose were SO detailed. It was a set of four aliens, and ships, rockets, etc. Well, you can see the pictures. It was so ridiculous with all the parts that I had to take a picture of all the teeny tiny pieces. :) There was a strip of pieces on the adhesive about 20-25 feet long when I ran all the pieces through. It was very detailed. But cute.
Wow! Great organizing job! That is pretty impressive. Way to go on getting your cards all made in advance, too.
Love, Earlene
Wanna come south and do some organizing at our house? You are obviously talented at it! Good luck in the nasty weather, Love, Sandra
wow! I'm impressed with your scrapping, your organizing, and your being so prepared for cards. You rock!
you are such a cute scrapbooker Alicia! I want you to come decorate Taj's room like your zoo pages. they are so cute! And of couse I'd let you organize our house while you were at it.
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