Here's some pictures I found on the camera today, and thought I'd share them with you guys. We took a big snow machine ride in december, with some men from church, there was 6 of us - me, Justin, and 4 men from church. We went way out in the hills, and just rode around, and they climbed hills and stuff. I'm a chicken, so I mostly stayed on the trail and tried to learn how to use my machine and not be so frightened of it. :) We stopped for lunch and took these pictures, although I'm bummed I didn't get a picture of Justin.

I look horrible in this picture - ugh. Oh well......

Here's Trace, and in the background is Tony.

Here's Mya on her pillow this morning. When it got cold a couple of weeks ago we moved her out of the unheated entry and into my living room, and just never moved her back. She's learning to live with the family, and not get into trouble. She just looked so cute this morning with her little blue bear laying there (lying there? I can never remember which one to use) with her.

I was talking to a friend last night, telling her about some organizing we did on saturday, and she suggested I post it on the blog so she could see it. So I figured I might as well do that and show everyone. Anyone who has stayed at our house stayed downstairs where Justin and I are living, and so hopefully you can picture this. Downstairs is a little hallway that right in the middle of the house that leads to the stairs that come upstairs (the inside ones). Well, in that little hallway was a set of built in shelves that we have been using for holding things that no one knows where to put them, or the kind of things that don't have homes anywhere else (extra building supplies, spray paint, duct tape, soap, etc). So on saturday we decided to take all that stuff out, clean up the shelves (very very dusty) and put all our books in there. They look GREAT! They look so organized, and it makes a much nicer feel walking through there, plus it feels so good to get something organized. I love projects like that where you can do the whole project in an afternoon. Now all our books are organized by size and subject. We have a church books section, leatherette western history books, non fiction, paperbacks, and on and on. I'm very excited. :) I did have to leave some of the stuff that had been on the shelves, stuff that needed to be inside and warm, so that's on the lower left corner, but I'm going to put some doors on there and make that a cupboard one of these days. Or maybe when I rebuild/reorganize my closet I'll make a space for stuff like that.
Bummer that the History of the West - Time/Life Book set fit on your shelves. But other than that - your project looks very organized. I'm glad you got it done.
For the rest of you - I have always wanted to have those sets of time/life books - in particular I love the western ones - we actually lived next door to one of the authors in Joseph.
so, we saw the whole set last spring at the library book sale for only $25.00 and I was broke and urged the kids to buy them because that is a great price and you very rarely see the whole set -especially for that price. They are in great shape and weren't musty or damaged or anything.
so the kids haven't had any place to put them, so I was lobbying to have them store them in my library - you know, just until they had their entertainment center built. I would have just stored them to help out - I wasn't going to keep them or anything.
Love, MOM
I remember those shelves, as you go down the stairs. They look great. I didn't remember them having that much space. Nice organizing job.
The snow machines look fun...sorry things didn't work out for Justin with them like he had hoped and anticipated. I know he was looking forward to all the fun they'd bring.
Earlene and Scott
Alicia! Congratulations on getting married quite some time ago. We really, really want to come see you all up there someday.
Alicia I loved your story! Thanks! You crack me up.
I wish it would snow here at least once this winter :(
You think you wouldn't miss the snow, but then every year, I do.
Cool organization... One day I organized our bookshelf by color. All the books are shelved according to where they fit in the color spectrum. It is a nice idea as long as you remember what color the book you want is. The other day I couldn't remember what color the book was, and I couldn't find it on our shelves.
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