My wonderful husband built me (well all of us really) a greenhouse this past weekend. We've been growing our little plants on our desk downstairs, but as they've gotten bigger we needed a more permanent solution. Plus its so hard to get good vegetables up here, that we have needed to do something for a years now. Just we didn't ever get to it, but now Justin's done it! Its an 8x8 greenhouse, with 3 shelf areas, up on the deck, hooked to the side of the house. Should be great. We've got corn, beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, jalapenos, flowers, and will soon have lettuce, dill, basil, maybe carrots. We also have planted pumpkins, alaska muskmelons, and acorn squash, oh and zucchini. Most of the squash/pumpkin family is still downstairs. They are waiting for cold frames in the garden when it thaws more. For now though we've got a great start! Fun stuff. Today we moved the plants (most of them) upstairs, and put in some brick pavers to use as insulation, or to hold heat rather, so that it will stay warmer at night. Pretty cool stuff!

Cool! I am jealous--I have always wanted a greenhouse! Have fun. Love, Sandra
How fun! I want a garden this year. We just haven't had much successs here in NM. Maybe I'll try a few things again. The only thing I have grown these past several years is basil. I'd really like to grow lots of peppers--red ones, yellow ones, orange ones and green ones. Yum. Good luck!
That is awesome! I want one except I can't even keep my little herbs alive inside! I don't know what's wrong with me! I just want fresh basil!
WOW! This is totally awesome - have lots of fun with it.
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