I just felt like blogging today, not that I have a whole lot to say. I didn't want to post a pictureless post, so I looked through my laptop and found this picture. I figured we can all use a little reminder that spring will come again this time of year. Its supposed to be between -5 and -15 tonight. Its already -13 in Soldotna, and 3 here and the sun hasn't even gone down yet, so I know its going to be cold. I guess that's why we live in Alaska though right??? :)
We had our ward conference today, and it was very uplifting for me. I really liked the personal council from our stake president, and bishop, aimed just for our ward, it was really refreshing, and nice to hear a message by the priesthood just for our area. It was mostly about how we need to be more forgiving, and that people aren't perfect, but we have to learn to let things go, and also about the choices we make and the lasting consequences. It was really inspirational, and I got a lot out of it. I wish I could do better all the time about following the things I learn, but I guess we all do the best we can, so I'll just keep working on it and hope I get it down someday. :)
We're doing good. Justin left the house yesterday for the first time since the day after Christmas, so I think he was glad to get out and about. His ankle is still really hurting him, but he got some sports tape, and taped it up tight to hold it together so he can walk a little bit, and start using his ankle. I'm doing good, I took some time this last week, 2 afternoons, to scrapbook, and make a bunch of cards. It was really nice, and very refreshing to do something creative that wasn't holiday related. I enjoy doing all the holiday things, but then I'm glad when the holidays are over too, and I can go back to just doing regular creative fun things. Doing stuff just because I want to, and not because it has a deadline, or a season.
Well anyway, I just wanted to say hi, and do a little blogging today. I hope you are all well, and enjoying your winter, whatever kind of winter you're having, and if you're not enjoying your winter, well then, just think of the daffodils. :) Love Alicia
Glad you are blogging again. I've missed hearing from you lately.
I'm not jealous of your winter weather. I'd be a mess if I lived in Alaska. I have a tough enough time with the winter blues even here in Dallas where we have sunny days most days.
Hope Justin's leg starts feeling better-
I am glad you got to do some scrapping. i did too I made about fifty cards and they are very professional looking.I am seldon pleased with my work but keep getting better.
Its -10 here tonight with wind chill. I put on exra socks a hat your mon kit and an exta comfoter and went to bed > Go ahead and laugh but it keeps me warm al night when i sleep with the hat on. love Ya g Marilyn
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