Saturday was the last day of the garden. We had a hard freeze this week, and the potatoes died big time. But we were hoping if we left it sit, it might dry out a little, but it didn't, so we took saturday and harvested everything. Dad, Justin and I spent about an hour or so digging potatoes and beets. And carrying plants over to the chickens. We ended up with about 120-130 pounds of really, really nice red potatoes, most of them about weighing at least a pound EACH. It was fantastic. Our Yukon golds didn't do very much, we didn't get hardly any of them, not sure what happened there. But the German butterballs (my favorite potatoes) did pretty good. They would have done better if they had been in a less shady spot. But they still did good. I think we'll can some of them at some point, haven't tried that yet, but it sounds good. Then we got about 20 pounds of beets, which I didn't take a picture of. I thought we would have more, and I was planning for canned beets, and pickeld beets, and frozen beets, and..........I think we'll have beets a couple times this week, and be all done. lol. But anyway, we had about 230-250 pounds of potatoes, 20 lbs. beets, about 60 quarts of broccolli, and a bunch of canned fish and veggie pickles. A pretty productive fall considering how much other stuff we've had going on. Now we all have the flu, but hopefully we'll get over that soon. its kind of a weird flu. hope it passes quickly. Well - there's our harvest anyway. :)
wow, that is fantastic; you really know how to garden. I sure hope you all feel better soon.
Wow! Impressive!
Love, Earlene and Scott
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