We had a lot of fun at Hogle Zoo, we both love zoos, so we got up early one morning and headed to the zoo. It was really fun. Most of the animals were out and about, even though it was winter, we still got to see almost everything. Except the giraffes, which was a bummer, but they're pen was under construction, so no giraffes. :)

The cutest cat

Wouldn't you love to have a cat that looked like this? He was so cute! I love the colored bands around his front legs.


One elephant eating breakfast off to the side

2 elephants eating breakfast together

Lone elephant stockpiling hay, after the other two ate all their hay. :) This was so cute, as the other 2 ran low on hay, this elephant started stockpiling his hay between tusk and trunk, then when he got both sides full, he walked a ways off to eat in peace. It was really funny.

Here's the beautiful red panda. It was so pretty, and elegant. it was one of my favorite animals.

Really cool lynx cat (there were 3 in the pen). There was a desert sheep up the hill from these guys, the only "prey" in that part of the zoo, and when the sheep got bored, he started walking around beating his head/horns again fence posts, which drove the cats nuts! They started pacing around, and sniffing the air coming from his direction. It was pretty cool, every time he's bash his head, they'd growl low, and pace faster.