We thought it would be fun to take pictures of all the temples we saw on our trip, we ended up with 11 in all I think. I meant to post them in order, but I always forget the way blogger loads pictures, so they ended up all mixed up. Oh well. :)

Bountiful Utah

Salt Lake (sorry its blurry)

Salt Lake again

Jordan river Utah

Monticello Utah

Albuquerque New Mexico (again, sorry its blurry)

Vernal Utah

Provo Utah

Mount Timpanogos Utah

Draper Utah

Logan Utah

Rexburg Idaho

Idaho Falls Idaho
This is so neat that you got to see so many temples. That's a lot of traveling too! Whew. Bet you are glad to be back home. We loved seeing you at my parents house. Hope you enjoy this Christmas season-
It's too bad your trip was during the holidays since all the temples but one were closed. But getting to see so many in one trip is really spectacular. Especially when you consider when I was your age, we probably had not many more than 11 temples in the whole world. Glad to have you home. MOM
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