I'm very happy to report that today is our one year anniversary! We're pretty excited. :) Since we got married in June, it would be very expensive to take a trip up here (hotels - even nasty ones - start at $200 a night, plus then you add in food, gas, etc.) so we decided instead to take that money and buy a nintendo Wii, since we've been really wanting one, and that would be our anniversary gift to each other. We broke it out a little early since we've both been sick (strep throat, fun fun), so we've been playing for about a week. Unfortunately we're still sick, so its good we didn't plan to go anywhere, but we're still having fun.
Happy Anniversary Alicia and Justin. I hope you have many many more. The time flies by when you are having fun. I sure hope you both get to feeling better. Strep throat is nothing to sneeze at. Love you both. Grandma W.
Happy Happy Anniversary! I love the wedding picture--the first one I've seen. Beautiful dress Alicia and the slippers are GREAT! Sorry to hear you have strep throat, hope you are feeling better soon. We missed you today, and your folks too.:) So again happy anniversary, enjoy the Wii. Love ya, Heather
Happy anniversary! I think the first year is the hardest, so it's all easier sailing from here! Get well soon, love, Sandra
Happy Anniversary! Sorry to hear you've not been feeling well. Strep...ugh!
Cory and Joanna bought a Wii at Thanksgiving time when they were here last year and everyone enjoyed playing it. There were a few sore arms after the first day or two, but everyone had lots of fun. Enjoy!
Love, Earlene and Scott
Happy Anniversary! A year has sure flown by. Hopefully it's been a fantastic first year, and that you guys will get to enjoy MANY, MANY more happy years together.
Enjoy your wii. We rarely play ours, but always have a great time when we do. We're just not much video game people - so we forget that we have it and don't get it out enough. The new wii fit platform is fun because you do even more moves - and can exercise with it too. We might have a wii game night for FHE tonight :)
Love you guys, and hope you get feeling better.
Congrats guys.
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