Saturday, December 27, 2008

I was going to...

I was going to do a post with pictures, but realized that the business laptop I'm using now doesn't have a card reader, and i'm not going on a hunt for the cord at 11:40 at night, when really I should be in bed, but instead I'm sitting here listening to the dog snore, and man is she snoring it up! Kind of odd, she's not usually a snorer. The cat is, but not the dog.

We had a super busy day at the tubing hill today. We had 65 for the one session (60 is the max, but the extra 5 were part of the same family that already had passes, so we just had them share tubes, they really wanted to go) and 25 for the other session. We've been having 10-20 in a whole day, so this was the first session we've maxed out. It was pretty cold so they werent' short on tubes, because most of the time there were at least 10 people inside warming up. I think it was 5 degrees when we started the day. brrr. But it was beautiful. I was very busy inside checking people in, getting forms filled out, selling concessions, and all that fun stuff. Justin was busy outside making sure everything was working right, and rebuilding the snow berms as they got messed up. The snow we have is really light and powdery, so it moves easily, not like a slightly heavier snow, which would be nice for the berms, but hey, we'll take what we have for now. We got a nice half page right up in the local paper, with pictures, so that was pretty cool, plus we did an ad with them, turned out good. You can see it online and under "Advertisers" is our ad, just click extreme tubing. then under sports is the blip with the pictures. fun stuff. The photographer from the other Homer paper was at the hill today taking more pictures. good day for him to be there with so many people. Justin took some cool pics too, every hook on the rope toe was full this afternoon, and there were people everywhere, which is what I was going to post, but no cord, no cardreader, tired person means no photos. sorry. Maybe later. :)

Other than that, we're doing good. We're pooped but we're good. We've been working about 12-14 hour days on this, and we are TIRED! We have 10 more days to go before break is over and we go to 3 days a week at the tubing hill. I'm looking forward to sewing and scrapbooking and being home more often. I'm an at home person, I like to be home, so I'll be glad when we get to be home more.

Well, I really should try and get to bed, I wanted to stay up to get the wood stove cooking good before I went to be so it would stay warm. Its nice and toasty in here now! feels good after being on the cold hill all day. Note to self - tomorrow take fleece sweater!

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