I've been wanting to put these pictures up, of a quilt I did, but since it was a Christmas present for Justin's mom and dad, I didn't want to possible ruin the surprise. I love the way it turned out. I goofed the quilting a little bit, but I had to sacrifice perfection, for getting it done, so I think that's a good compromise. :)
Cool. A beautiful quilt. It's the imperfections that make it a gift from the heart, not something made by a machine. Love you, Sandra
Sandra, that is exactly what I always tell her. If they wanted perfection, they should have got it from a machine. :)
Wow! That is absolutely gorgeous! What a beautiful gift.
Alicia, The quilt is absolutely beautiful. If there is a mistake in it, I guess I am blind because I can't see it. The tubing hill looks like a lot of fun except I wouldn't have enough nerve to go down it. Love ya, Grandma W.
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