Friday, January 30, 2009


the Redoubt Volcano that is being much talked about all over the place is one of the ones right across the the water from us. The one directly across from our house is Illiamna, and the one to the left is Redoubt. We can see it really well from upstairs. The big earthquake we had the other morning that mom was talking about on her blog has been tied to the volcano. Usually an earthquake has to be within about 5 miles for them to consider it part of the volcano, however the intensity of that quake, mixed with a sudden jump in Redoubt activity very close together made them believe that they are tied. The volcano is set to erupt "imminently", they're not sure when, but are fairly sure, as much as I think they ever can be, that it will erupt its just a matter of when.

We're pretty well prepared, except when it happens we will need to go close the goats in, and put healthcliff in with the chickens and close their doors. Other than that, we have masks, filters for our cars, water, food, etc. We just have to wait and see what happens. We don't know the trajectory of the ash/explosion. I don't think they will know, until it happens, because it just depends on what the currents are doing, and such. There is a website, which has been pretty overwhelmed today because of the national news coverage, but if you are interested, here is the link. That has webcams, ash trajectory maps, periodic updates, lots of cool information.

I just wanted to let everyone know about this, in case you had seen it and were wondering, or if you hadn't heard about it, now you know! It is near here, but we are prepared, and I'm sure all will be well. :)

Due to the size of the ash, sometimes they shut down the electric facilities and probably the phones and I would expect that the cell phone transmissions will also be affected, so don't be alarmed if you can't get ahold of us for a few days. We use wood heat, so even without power, we will be warm and we will post on the internet as soon as they put the power back on.

We just now checked the site and they expect it to go off any minute now - so here we go !!! How Exciting ! !


Sandra said...

Wow! You are in our prayers. And at the same time, how exciting!

Love, Sandra

jed-laura said...

keep posting, it is sort of exciting.

Ted & Carole Whisler said...

I guess I am a chicken, I would be in hiding. Your grandpa would very excited though. Anyway, good luck on this and I hope and pray that everything will be okay. Grandma W

Sandra said...

I'd love some volcanic ash, if you are at any point in a position to collect some safely. Thanks. Love you, Sandra