Here's the pictures from the first night, about an hour after the babies were born. Sorry for the bloody stuff, but hey, this is farm life right? hehe :) The lighter colored one is named Fawn, and he's a he. The blacker one is a girl, and her name is Lucy. We thought the black one was a boy, so we named it black billy, and the other one Fawn because we thought it was a girl, but obviously we were wrong. So we (I) changed the names a little. I decided to go ahead and keep the name Fawn for the billy, after Mr Tumnus in Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe who was a fawn. And then I decided to name the black one Lucy after the little girl in the Lion, Witch and Wardrobe.
Good luck! Love you, Sandra
I like the idea of naming them after characters in old books - that way we don't have to worry about their character being written out of a TV show because of budget cuts.
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