Ok, so maybe I'm not a total gardening failure. I did manage to get some tomatoes! Everyone has been teaching me how to do it. Grandpa taught me how to get the plants to green up, mom taught me about fertilizing, dad taught me about dirt, and Justin helped. So it's been a family project, and mighty tasty too.
Your tomatoes are soooooooo tasty. I am always amazed at how much better they taste than store bought. Thanks for all your effort. Good luck on improving the size of your muskmelon. hehehe
Alicia, Your tomatoes look like the ones you might find at the grocery store only I think they are a little more red than the ones in the stores. They are beautiful. Grandma W.
If it makes you feel better, I think that you had more luck than I did. I planted just a few things in some pots on the patio. I ended up with 2 small, but tasty tomatoes and about 5-6 peppers. And a nice crop of basil and rosemary. Your tomatoes look tasty!
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